All the Cunts to the Front

A space for anyone, especially women, becoming their true selves. This podcast dives into the shitty experiences that shape us with no-bullshit conversations and unpolished truths. Healing from abuse, navigating relationships, and setting healthy boundaries are just a few of the topics I cover. It’s my intention to help others feel less alone as they heal and grow by sharing what I’ve learned from unhealthy experiences, the challenges I’m currently facing, and the truths I’m uncovering along the way. I’m doing what I can to become the woman I’m meant to be while being utterly imperfect and having real-ass, relatable people talking to me about just that. If that speaks to you, join the cunty community.

Play S1E1 audio podcast:

S1E1 Who TF & Why TF?

In this episode, I’m sharing my journey of becoming—especially for those of us who’ve dealt with life’s shitty moments. I’m a queer, Latina creator who’s always felt a bit different, growing up in a small town where standing out wasn’t always easy. We’ll chat about why I chose the name for this podcast, inspired by reclaiming the word "cunt" and the badass Riot Grrrl movement. I’ll get into the importance of trusting your gut—something I learned the hard way after ending up in some pretty toxic situations. And yeah, healing isn’t cute—it’s ugly and necessary. So if you’re on your own journey to becoming who you’re meant to be, join me as we figure this shit out together.

FF: Intro to Friday Flow

Friday Flow uploads will be good-feeling-flow meditations. “ What’s that..?” This is a type of verbal stream-of-consciousness meditation I practice to call in what we want for our higher selves ie. feelings of safety, prosperity, trust in self, abundance and so on. While I will be having regular podcast episodes about everything from reclaiming words used against women for centuries to recalibrating life from post-abusive environments, I will also have verbal medicine for the soul. Flow Friday’s will be an integral part of All the Cunts to the Front Podcast in that while I think it’s important to talk about hard topics, it’s equally important to call high vibrational energy into our psyches.

S1E2 Cunt: an origin story

Whether you’ve thought this word *whispers “cunt”* is or was on of the worse words you could ever utter OR you have fulling reclaimed this delicious little verbal morsel - this episode is for you. I found traces of cunt from 400 BC to now that made me see it in a whole new light. The etymology, the deities worshipped, the Christian doctrine threatened by women as a whole - it’s all in there. Enjoy

For your visual pleasure …